Tuesday, September 1, 2015



3D Internet, also known as virtual worlds, is a powerful new way for you to reach consumers, business customers, co-workers, partners, and students. It combines the immediacy of television, the versatile content of the Web, and the relationship-building strengths
of social networking sites like Facebook.

3D Internet is the next generation after the current 2d web.3D Internet consists of interconnected services, presented as virtual worlds. Imagine a set-up of interconnected virtual worlds inhabited by users who can visit and consume services through "teleporting" from one world to another.

3D Internet will rely on the same basic technology and components as that of a traditional browser, and it will interact with the same search engines and servers. Aside from the use of 3D computer graphics and personalized avatars, the important difference lies in a much more social experience compared to the two-dimensional Internet of today.

To order this seminar material (doc and ppt), click here

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